Denver bronco banner for your super bowl party

broncos banner close up   bronco banner best

I am a 49er fan who lives in Tennessee so will definitely be cheering for Peyton Manning and the Broncos. I decided to make a Bronco banner and am going to find a worthy fan to give it to after the Super Bowl.  I won’t be making a Seattle banner. Sorry. This is really not hard to make and it could be easier if you hot glue everything instead of hand sewing. The Bronco emblem was a little time consuming but you could just cut out a football instead.


  • 1/2 yard orange felt
  • 1/2 yard dark blue felt
  • 1/4 yd  white felt
  • needle and thread or hot glue/fabric glue
  • string or ribbon to hang

pattern for flags  lettering pattern  cut out orange flags  cut letters from blue felt

Step 1.

Cut flags from the orange felt. You will need 10. Cut the letters from the blue felt.

pattern for bronco  tape the pieces to the right color of felt. colors to cut each piece from

Step 2.

Cut the bronco pieces from the felt colors as shown above. This is a little tedious but is worth the effort. I just taped the pieces to the felt which made them a lot easier to cut out.

pin the blue letters to the white felt and cut around

Step 3.

Pin each letter to the white felt and cut around leaving a little edge to show around each letter.

best pic of bronco  hand stitching  stitching on flames  I punched out a small circle of felt using a pair of eyelet pliers to use for an eye

Step 4.

Place pieces on blue piece as shown. I hand stitched mine but you can use glue if you prefer. I added a tiny circle of orange felt for the eye.

pin letters to each flag    stitching tutorial  stitch through both colors

Step 5.

Pin letters to flags and then hand stitch or attach with glue.

pin bronco emblem to one flag

Step 6.

Hand sew or glue the Bronco emblem to a flag.

pin orange flags to blue felt  leave an edge all the way around stitch the two flags together as shown

Step 7.

Pin orange flags to blue felt and cut around each one leaving a little border as shown. Stitch around the orange flags to attach them to the blue flags.

turn over a half inch to back and stitch as shown

Step 8.

Fold over a half inch to the back and stitch creating a casing to slip your cord or ribbon through.

bronco banner #2



About Elaine Kazinec

I have never met anyone who can't make wonderful things for their homes, friends, and family, only those who think they can't. The purpose of this blog is to show everyone how really simple most projects for the home are to make. When my husband and I bought our first home we were short on cash so I learned to be long on creativity. I have been told that I can make something wonderful out of nothing and that is true. You can too! Some of my favorite things are items that I found in someone's junk pile. I am going to show you how easy it really is. I hope you find the courage to jump in and attempt some of these projects. You will be amazed at how talented you really are.