Easy to make trick or treat bag for Halloween


This trick or treat bag is really easy to make from felt. I used a battery operated tea light attached with velcro near the top so that it won’t interfere with the candy collecting.


  • 5 squares of black felt
  • 1 square of white felt
  • small piece of clear plastic
  • battery operated tea light


Step 1.

Cut ghost from the white felt. Pin it on one of the pieces of black felt. Cut out the eyes and mouth through the black felt as shown.

Step 2.

Hand stitch the ghost to the black felt.  Cut a piece of clear plastic the size of a felt square. Pin it to the back side of the felt square. Stitch around the edge. The plastic will prevent the candy from falling out.


Step 3.

Fold one of the black felt squares in half  (long ways) and cut along the fold line.  Stitch three of the pieces together on the ends as shown. Repeat this step with another of the black felt squares and stitch two of them together. Set aside.


Step 4.

Pin the side piece that you just stitched together around the right side of the ghost piece as shown and stitch. I used a half inch seam allowance.


Step 5.

Put some glue on the battery cover and then put a piece of velcro on the glue. Stitch the corresponding velcro onto the inside of the back piece of black felt.

Step 6.

Pin the back piece of black felt to the side band right sides together. Stitch using a half inch seam allowance.  Turn the bag to the outside.


Step 7.

Fold another black felt square in half  (long ways) and cut along fold line. Fold again and cut down the fold line making four pieces. Fold two of them in half again and stitch along edges to form straps.


Step 8.

Pin straps in place on the right side of the front and back pieces as shown in the pictures above. Take the band that you set aside in step 3 and pin it around the top of the bag, right sides together. Stitch around the top making sure you stitch the straps securely into place. Turn the facing to the inside and pull the straps up. Stitch around the top as shown above.




About Elaine Kazinec

I have never met anyone who can't make wonderful things for their homes, friends, and family, only those who think they can't. The purpose of this blog is to show everyone how really simple most projects for the home are to make. When my husband and I bought our first home we were short on cash so I learned to be long on creativity. I have been told that I can make something wonderful out of nothing and that is true. You can too! Some of my favorite things are items that I found in someone's junk pile. I am going to show you how easy it really is. I hope you find the courage to jump in and attempt some of these projects. You will be amazed at how talented you really are.